Building my Cylon-Knight

Tips, tricks, inside secrets, help, sources, items used on making the Cylon Centurion suit to wear. Tell us your story, how you came about collecting your parts to a Centurion, or if you own a complete Centurion costume.
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Building my Cylon-Knight

Post by Cylon-Knight » Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:04 pm

Ok everyone, I did it, I got my helmet kit! WHOO WHEE

Here some photos of the kit... the start of my build.

As for my build... I don't have the money to go full blown 100% perfect screen accurate - but will try to be close, of course. Still saving up for the rest of my armor (if you'd like to donate to the cause PM me - HA).

I have some plans in the works for a home made eye scanner. I have zero electrical knowledge, but reading up on it to build the circuit. And I have my brother checking with some of his vendors at work about chroming. Slowly but surely, working away.

I do have two items that I know will differ from screen accurate. I am planning to make my under suit black or grey rather than screen used purple hue. Also, I plan on a few extra subtle "bling" items in my suit... more on that later - it's top secret... heehee :lol:

Thanks to GoldCylon and CORA for all their help!

For now a few questions for the pro's here...
1. After I assemble, fill, sand, primer, etc. Can the helmet be chromed then? Is there any thing to avoid - anything that will prevent chrome from going on correctly? Will chrome stick to primer?

2. After chromed would you recommend painting the inside black, or would that be more bother than it is worth? AND, do you just paint over the chrome?

3. Same goes for the gun metal grey panels on the sides of the helmet... do you paint that after chroming - right over the chrome?

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Post by nashslash » Wed Dec 31, 2008 2:30 am

Good luck with your build, and remember VELCRO is now your new best friend...

Painting the inside black? I Did. Just to give it a bit of solidness really. I Painted straight onto the Chrome! The painting process is called

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Post by GoldCylon » Wed Dec 31, 2008 7:29 am

Painting the inside is 100% up to you as a personal thing, but just for insight the originals were never painted. As for advise for having a correct surface, don't use anything that has silicon in the mix. Nothing can cover it up, I mean even painting over it the chrome will have what is called a fish eye look, or orange peel look. Not a smooth finish.

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Post by Cylon-Knight » Wed Dec 31, 2008 11:55 am

Thanks for the info!
nashslash, I saw yours before - where I got the idea for the black. Very cool.

Thanks for the tip GoldCylon - will avoid silicon!

Don't worry - MANY more photos to follow as the build moves along.
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Post by Cylon-Knight » Thu Jan 01, 2009 11:55 pm


I tried to get some plastic weld at Wal-Mart - guess what they were sold out of! :x ! Grrrr.... will try again later (or another store).

I got the major trimming done. All that is left is the "eye" area. Photos to come tomorrow after I find the scotch tape to tape the two halves for a test fit, see what sort of seam I'll have to deal with.
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Post by Cylon-Knight » Sat Jan 03, 2009 2:29 pm

My trusty new X-ACTO knife and my trimmed up helmet. Taped up - you can see the seam work I'll have to do along the mohawk.

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Post by GoldCylon » Sat Jan 03, 2009 2:49 pm

Looking good so far, keep up the good work

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Post by Cylon-Knight » Sat Jan 03, 2009 9:28 pm

Okay, I've tried on the helmet... and it would seem that those who have a one piece helment shouldn't have EARS!

There is not much room to lower the helmet on, so, what about having the "hinged/clam shell" type with chrome tape. Anyone here have that type of wearable helmet? And if you do that how do you attached the grill and eye light so it all closes up and looks correct? You'd need someone to help put it on/take if off I'm guessing.

Plus, where to cut the grill is puzzling me. Please see the below image - are my red "digital cut marks" in the correct location?
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Post by GoldCylon » Sun Jan 04, 2009 12:23 am

Yes the fitting the helmet over the melon (aka head) seems to be a bit of a problem, if you not able to trim out more of the area where it slips past the ears. One reason the studio versions in some if not most or all cases used the split clam shell approach with the chrome tape to seal up the two pieces, besides doubling hiding the seamed area. Your choice, trim the inside lip of the helmet a bit more, or the two piece clam shell, if you plan on wearing it. As for the outlined area of the mouth grill, it looks great, but always under cut, before you over cut, just saves a step in the repair world.

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Post by Cylon-Knight » Sun Jan 04, 2009 4:27 pm

Galactic hitchhiker? nah... it's Cylon-Knight, saying "COOL!" during a test fit.

I did more trim work on the grill and it is much better to wear with the thinner grill (still just scotch tape holding everything together as of now).

I am going to trim some more on the "neck line" so my ears will fit a bitt better - thinking a solid helmet will be much easier in the long run than a clam shell.
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Post by GoldCylon » Sun Jan 04, 2009 4:44 pm

Nice upgrade since last update, and the logo is looking real cool. Glad you were able to get the helmet squared away in the trim over the clam shell.

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Post by nashslash » Sun Jan 04, 2009 10:20 pm

Personally I'd say don't bother trying to glue the two halves of the lid. I'd say just stick them together using the soft part of some heavy duty Velcro. Half one side and half the other. Using the heavy duty stuff will mean it will stay stuck even when its hot or you sweat. Id say sand the two halves using a large flat piece of fine sandpaper and rub one half all at once if you know what I mean. Once you've done one side then do the same to the other. This way you should get a nice snug seam. You can also put a little fablon on the seam if it bothers you (I have)



Also all the edges that you are trimming. Like around the edge of the lid near your neck, also the chest and back pack and your gauntlets,you can use some car chrome plastic edging. This finishes off your armour to a more professional finish. I bought some in the UK but you'll have to source some elsewhere is you live anywhere else. I used type 1. It is a plastic chrome trim that just sticks to the trimmed edge of your armour. It had glue already inside so there's no need for hotglue or sticking.

Chrome trim

You can make out the edging here on the outside of the backpack


Or on the Chest Plate.

Great if you cant trim straight, it also makes it a little more solid and give it a manufactured finish to it rather than some thing you just made.

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Post by SiR-ROUND » Thu Jan 08, 2009 1:27 pm

Looking great!

Tell me, does that red eye part have slots for leds? It looks like it form the images...

You need to get filling and sanding, I spotted some dents. The more mirror finish you get the more noticeable they will be in the end.

I wish I had that kit... Priorities, priorities...


Looking forward to the rest of your buikd though! Keep it coming...


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Post by Cylon-Knight » Thu Jan 08, 2009 10:48 pm

Thaks SIR-ROUND, and yes, the red insert has slots for LEDs... below are some more detailed photos. You can see the inside has the slots, and the outside is smooth.

I've been slowed down by a chest cold for a few days (ick). I did try to figure out my eye circuit desgin have a rough design in the works - need to get the parts ordered for it.

Also I've asked around with some people in the auto biz I know - and searched for chrome plate and paint options online. Cost vs Quality - trying to find the best mix for a Cylon helmet on a LIMITED budget. (AND I still need to save up for the rest of the armor!!!)

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Post by SiR-ROUND » Fri Jan 09, 2009 3:58 am

Many thanks for those extra pics, very clear! And very kewl that you can finish it off with leds right away...

Don't mean to discourage you, but the circuit with 32 leds isn't as easy as I thought at least. How many holes are there?

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