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It is offical we are the Cylon Empire!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 11:21 am
by GoldCylon
OK so we are now the Cylon Empire.

Now is time to break out into regions and section names. Each section should have a population aspect to it to keep a fair balance in how many members are in each section. The UK, and Europe might be one section, while California alone might be an other section.

Should we have section names, or section numbers, and any ideas on how to go about establishing these section?

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 11:28 am
by Cylon-Knight
OOPS your thread title has a typo ;)

I'll think on it some today - good questions you posted!

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 11:32 am
by GoldCylon
A few typo's adjusted. Darn morning eye.... :shock:

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 11:07 am
by Kronus
Congradulations on the new name...this is AWESOME!

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 11:46 am
by GoldCylon
Yes and thanks to all that helped out with there votes, and suggestions

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 8:26 am
by Tinman
If I might make a suggestion......

If you are still looking for a model for orginization that you might think about modeling it on the COLONIAL DEFENSE FORCES or CDF or just outright start a chapter in their orginization.

Unknown if our group will just be for re-enactors or do we want to try to get more projects (RPG, etc,) besides this going to bring in more people.

The CDF has already set-up Cylon Forces that includes both TOS & TNS Ships and Fighters for a group to use.

And while I don't think there are any Cylon chapters - there is one of a Captured TNS Basestar that has both Colonial & Cylon personel. Don't think that would be of interest to us. :wink: However like you mentioned above, it is divided into "Fleets" for areas represented.

Ans while the orginization is geared more toward the Colonial Side and BSG2 it does have a good forum, and all kinds of rank and awards members can receive. Anyway, it is something to think about as a possible way to go.


Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 11:32 am
by GoldCylon
Now I like the mapped out areas. I was speaking with Cylon-Knight about something like that. Have boarder like areas that would represent the soon to be Nuked Colonies...LoL

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 11:49 am
by Tinman
Exactly what will the EMPIRE be for, just strictly for the Cylon Costumers or are you going to try and make it more involved. PLEASE ADVISE.

I would like to find out exactly what it consists of as I would like to do something along the lines of the CDF for Cylons if practicle.


Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 2:20 pm
by Cylon-Knight
The Cylon Empire will be a builders/costume club for classic Cylons. At this point you have to have a build of some type to become a member... it will not have to be a finished and totally perfect items, trying to to be too restrictive. There will be approved costumes/props that will qualify for membership.

The organization will be somewhat loosely similar to that of the Star War's 501st club - members geographically near each other organized into groups, etc.

We are still mapping out the Empire's set up and goals. More to come in the following weeks - stay tuned! :)

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 2:59 pm
by Tinman
Suggest you make your aeras large, at least to start with. Can't be many of us old school toasters out there - especially with the price of the costume and gear.

A Stormtrooper or Tie Fighter Pilot is MUCHO cheaper to turn out.

If you need any help with anything just let me know.


Re: It is offical we are the Cylon Empire!!!

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 1:32 am
by Hand-Schaub
I too will be happy to assist as a loooong time member of the 501st (with a bit of leadership thrown in too) I think I can be helpful.

As I see it right now the Cylon Empire is like the early 501st where it was originally a "Stormtrooper" club and not even meant for "dark side" costumes as a whole. With Classic BSG there are pretty much four costumes you can do... A centurion (of various color), IL series, Cylon 'citizen' and of course a main character like Baltar or Imperious leader. With most of us as centurions I can see the vast number of costumes like the 501st not being a problem. In fact I see the few number of choices for BSG not being a big problem either.

I agree that large sections are good. It could be west and east N. America then countries as a whole respectively. I do like the idea of numbered sections...dehumanizes things.

Re: It is offical we are the Cylon Empire!!!

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:22 am
by Darth Voorhees
Hand-Schaub wrote:I too will be happy to assist as a loooong time member of the 501st (with a bit of leadership thrown in too) I think I can be helpful.

As I see it right now the Cylon Empire is like the early 501st where it was originally a "Stormtrooper" club and not even meant for "dark side" costumes as a whole. With Classic BSG there are pretty much four costumes you can do... A centurion (of various color), IL series, Cylon 'citizen' and of course a main character like Baltar or Imperious leader. With most of us as centurions I can see the vast number of costumes like the 501st not being a problem. In fact I see the few number of choices for BSG not being a big problem either.

I agree that large sections are good. It could be west and east N. America then countries as a whole respectively. I do like the idea of numbered sections...dehumanizes things.

i agree with all of what "hand" said!...has there been any progressing with this? Cant wait to be an official cylon empire centurion!

Re: It is offical we are the Cylon Empire!!!

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 8:56 am
by Cylon-Knight
Yikes! You all are busting my chrome lug nuts :twisted:

I have a working website as of now that GoldCylon and I have been tossing around for a bit. I'll get it polished up and moved over to the root domain and then everyone will BOW BEFORE THE CYLON EMPIRE! (Little power hungry, YOU BET!)
:cylongold: :erk: :cylon:

Re: It is offical we are the Cylon Empire!!!

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 10:48 am
by Hand-Schaub
Cylon-Knight wrote:Yikes! You all are busting my chrome lug nuts :twisted:

I have a working website as of now that GoldCylon and I have been tossing around for a bit. I'll get it polished up and moved over to the root domain and then everyone will BOW BEFORE THE CYLON EMPIRE! (Little power hungry, YOU BET!)
:cylongold: :erk: :cylon:

Hunger for power is a pre-requisite is it not :angel:

Re: It is offical we are the Cylon Empire!!!

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:09 pm
by Professor Kaos
I'm sure its not a prerequisite but it certainly helps.