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What have you heard, fact or rumor........

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 10:55 pm
by GoldCylon
It seems to me that the news coming out about the new Galactica from Tom has been on the quiet side. Anyone heard anything, fact or rumor?

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 12:59 am
by Cylon-Knight
I've heard nothing.

Re: What have you heard, fact or rumor........

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 6:07 am
by Bishop37
I've heard that the movie is dead due to insider politics.

Re: What have you heard, fact or rumor........

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 8:22 am
by GoldCylon
I have heard the same kind of. They are still working on it via the script but nothing else. Sad it has happened again.

Re: What have you heard, fact or rumor........

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 8:32 am
by Cylon-Knight
Seems like everything is goofed up with fights, or money. Darn. We need some cool movies!

Re: What have you heard, fact or rumor........

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 10:25 am
by Red Eye
I really hope that this project isn't dead like the previous attempts to revive the original series.

The original Galactica has earned a (long overdue) comeback!

If done right, it could be even better than Star Wars...

Re: What have you heard, fact or rumor........

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 12:31 pm
by GoldCylon
The locality to the original show even today is stronger than Universal, or ABC ever understood. We are faithful to the show, but when it comes to breaking out the wallet that is the bottom line that the above named don't see. They want a following like we give BSG to also have the wallets lined. That is the biggest downside as a BSG fan we as a entire group don't spend money to support what we love. How many companies that license, and market very cool BSG related items, and then go bankrupt. How about all of them. So why would anyone want to dump money into a project like a movie based off the original show. Throwing money into a fire is all they are doing. This just isn't my own opinion, but others that I have talked with that is short agree with me. We as a whole are loyal to the show, but more loyal to our wallet. Till we as the fans spend more $$$ we will never be given a shot to be a serious movie again. I do what I can, buy anything, and everything BSG related, licensed or not, and duplicates.
Food for thought is all. Buy or not to buy, movie or no movie bottom line.

Re: What have you heard, fact or rumor........

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 1:43 pm
by Bishop37
I don't think that's quite fair, I think a big factor is that the fanbase has dwindled so much, so it can't support these products.

Another factor is poor distribution/marketing and inferior products

Re: What have you heard, fact or rumor........

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 1:57 pm
by GoldCylon
As for the laser replica I doubt that will ever be made with the cost they will have to pay out for the license, and I am sure their research has shown they will have a hard time (slow go at it) selling 250 of them, and I bet that is the make it or break it point for them, and I am sure those helmets are going to have a nice price tag of $500 plus. I'll buy it no matter what if it ever sees the light of day. I am not sure about the over head cost of making the movie via the rights, but I thought Uni owned the rights anyway.
The dirt I heard has to do with over all bottom line cost via ticket sales. Not sure if DVD and other licensed items were in that thinking, but I'll see any movie in the theater release 1 or 2 times each week it is in the theater, and be on the pre order list for any DVD release, and then buy the other versions that are released at a later date. That seems to be the way the marketing department does it now these days. Anyway did it is announced it is dead there is a chance. I am just not taking bets on it having a full life even if they make it to day 1 of XX amount to film the movie does it count once in the can.
Sorry so glumly about this, but I am just looking at the facts laid out on the table.

Re: What have you heard, fact or rumor........

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 2:43 pm
by Cylon-Knight
*sigh* At least we got Gary! :gary:

Re: What have you heard, fact or rumor........

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 7:10 pm
by GoldCylon
Yeah Gary is pretty cool guy. Glad to be a part of that series, but with a little luck there might be more to come that isn't Gary related.

Re: What have you heard, fact or rumor........

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 2:58 pm
by Bishop37
As you know, I've heard some felgercarb recently about the BG film being dead, but luckily, I know someone who is in direct contact with the people making the film:

So this is the latest (second hand from me to you) news:

The Battlestar Galactica movie is 100% still on, and the people behind it are super-passionate about it and have been for a long time!

The status of the project is that the powers that be, have been actively searching for the right screenwriter for the film and they are really serious about finding just that person. They want to get this right!

Re: What have you heard, fact or rumor........

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 3:10 pm
by GoldCylon
I agree with you Bishop 100% they want it to be a go, and when I see Byran, and maybe Tom next month I find out what they have to say, and also talk to the guy that really sees how it is with any fluff from the inside guys. It isn't dead, and they are working on it, and seeking out a script still. Just the what I have heard a clash of ideas with Glen is making this a harder than excepted venture. This is a item that time will tell what will happen.

Re: What have you heard, fact or rumor........

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 4:10 pm
by Bishop37
GoldCylon wrote:when I see Byran, and maybe Tom next month I find out what they have to say, and also talk to the guy that really sees how it is with any fluff from the inside guys.
Anything you can find out will be greatly appreciated. I think the fans are getting really frustrated with the cone of silence that has sprung up around this.

Re: What have you heard, fact or rumor........

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 5:16 pm
by Bishop37
Have you seen Team Galactica yet GC?

I've heard that it will be in 3D and they're aiming for a 2012 release.