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Richard Hatch teleclasses

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 4:31 pm
by GoldCylon
Richard Hatch teleclasses

Check this out, from the Richard Hatch website:

Richard will be joining Mike McCleary of Beacon Media for the second session of the Anything But Ordinary Vision teleclass! Richard will be presenting on the topic of Unleashing Your Power & Creative Vision. At the end of the teleclass Richard will also conduct a special Q&A session with class participants on his television and film career (including of course his involvement in the original and current incarnations of the Battlestar Galactica series). Registration for the class is free!

The class was suppose to be tonight, but I just received an email that it needed to be rescheduled. So now it will be:

February 1st, 2006 7PM EST Register now, it is free

Learn to unleash your creative vision and learn about BSG, all in the same night!