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Caprica Reviews

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 10:16 pm
by Cylon-Knight
I've seen the first 4 minutes (somehow... heehee). AND WOW! You got your sex, violence, care-free-killing and all sorts of "decant society" stuff that the "angles" at the end of Battlestar were saying eventually comes from human society. I am definitely not going to that club.

Everyone get your DVD tomorrow and post up your reviews!

I'm too tired and need to get to bed early, I can't watch the rest tonight. But I 'probably' could :twisted: (BAD CYLONS!)

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 3:18 am
by GoldCylon
I saw a new clip release yesterday (Monday) It showed a Razor version of the original Cylon walking and looked like it was wheeling a weapon. Can't wait to see more. The Cylons is what Galactica is all about, and we are Cylon crazed people here....well at least me...LoL

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 2:33 pm
by GoldCylon
I went out yesterday while on the way to work and stopped off at the local Fry's Electronics (monster box store) and bought my copy of Caprica. The cashier was glad to see someone else was going to buy it besides him. We spoke a moment and he is a fan of the series also. Anyway I got in from work about 1:00 AM, and took care of a few things at the house, and opened it up, and popped in the DVD disk into the player. Turned on the TV, and watched about 4-5 minutes of previews, and watched the preview (new to me) the preview for the Caprica TV series. I hand not heard the DVD released was picked up and now a weekly TV series. I heard that what was the plan to do that, but I never followed it to see it it was picked up till I saw the preview. Anyway I didn't have high hopes about the show, but I did like it. It did have a bit more of a twist to it than I expected, and I didn't think I would see the Cylon so early. I liked the show. I can tell these actors aren't comfortable with each other yet, or maybe their personal character, but the development on laying the ground work for the show was clearly set. The last few minutes of the show was a bit of a surprise. I will be watching this show sometime next year, and thought the purchase of the DVD was worth it. Mostly because if we support Galactica they will support us. (sorry not going to talk about many details trying to keep people interested in watching the DVD)

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 9:46 pm
by Cylon-Knight
I've seen it all.... and I love it.

The Cylon ROCKS! It is back near the end, and is soooooooooooo cool. Everyone needs to see this!!! I think the actors did a great job - the starting is just sort of wooden as some characters don't really "know" each other... they are mostly all meeting each other for the first time (except for characters that are "family" members).

There are some crazy things that happen, and the series has so many ways to go - DRAMA!

P.S. The "new" classic cylon..... IT SAYS BY YOUR COMMAND!!! *JOY*

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 6:07 am
by nashslash
I did watch Caprica, and loved the cylon the story was a little boring for me and it don't have the same kick as BSG. I loved the cylon and must have watch the 2 main parts where the cylon was in a fair few times. But,I don't think I'll bother with the series. All this virtual reality stuff its like the lawnmowerman, and that guy from the fly its just not the same. But please tell me if theres any more cylons in the series.

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 1:11 pm
by Cylon-Knight
I'll keep you posted nashslash. Don't worry, I'll be watching it for SURE!

Here is another review of the show for you Cylons to enjoy :):

I was going to scan this, and still might, but for now too lazy to get my scanner out, hooked up etc. SO, I'll just type it.
From Entertainment Weekly, April 24/May1, 2009, Page 102: TVonDVD


TV MOVIE, 93 MINS., 2009[/b]
The Battlestar Galactica prequel - which will air on Sci Fi in 2010, kicking off a spin-off series - won't entirely satisfy die-hard BSG fans or those coming to Caprica ignorant of all things Cylon, but it is solid. The movie opens in a virtual club, a futuristic teen thunderdome of sex and violence that's being used as a lab by Zoe Graystone (Alessandra Toreson) to make computer-simulated life. When she dies, leaving behind a digital doppelganger, her wealthy dad (Eric Stoltz) teams with Esai Morale's Joseph Adama (of the BSG Adamas) to use Zoe's work to birng her back, with all the unintended consequences that will eventually lead to the Cylon holocaust. The Adamas aren't the only BSG vets will dig: Like the original series, Caprica explores religion and humanity (and tosses a few vlogs into the EXTRAS). But without more action - and clarity - BSG fans could get bored, while newbies may just be confused. B+

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 12:15 am
by GoldCylon
I agree with that above review in many aspects, and with a little twist to it. If your here to watch Caprica as a action packed show like BSG was from the run from the Cylons your no going to enjoy this. It so many different levels this show and yes we do already know what the show is about, but the week to week story line in their personal life and the birth of the Cylon race, and how the Cylons go online as the HUMAN defense force (aka police) to see this unfold. This I hope will live up to more than expected like BSG 2003 did.

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 10:11 pm
by Cylon-Knight
Well put GoldCylon!

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 10:58 pm
by JtotheP
I loved it and can see great potential for a series. What a great cast and intelligent writing.

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 11:03 pm
by GoldCylon
I think because this script sat on the shelf a long time that a few thoughts might have crossed their minds to go back a fine tune it a bit before the final was filmed. yes a good chance to be a great TV show if time allows to do it the correct way.