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Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2024 7:22 pm
by Darthvehement
This suit was released in 1999 by Takara company with their double 99 Cyborg figures.

I decided to customise the suit and scratch build a Cyborg head unit, then mount it on an old 12" Action Man figure, along with the suit.

For the modifications, I decided to make the backpack into a flame thrower, adding a gauge, valve and hose with flame gun.
(The valve is plastic tubing with cord painted silver, attached to a novelty pen shaped as a gun with applicator nozzles, drilled out for the barrel.
The gauge is a circlip with a divers' dial accessory, a brass washer and a sealant cap mounted above.)
I added cutting disc launchers to the arms, (super glue tubes with spheres.) with details etched using a soldering iron.
The chest power socket is a washer with plastic pipe and wire terminal.

I made a Japanese katana sword using a polished, cut down nail, bent to shape, with a grip washer hand guard and carved plastic handle mounted at the end. The scabbard harness is made with wire ties.
I also mounted spikes on the knuckles of the gloves and toes of the boots using brass pins.

Firstly, I began with painting the components of the suit, adding silver dry-brushing to the edges and frontal areas to simulate battle damage and red paint wear.
Black is also added to the recesses and any dents/scrapes and detailing, etc.

The Cyborg unit head is made from an old car radio switch with brass/ copper wire and metal foil circuit details and plastic detailing, red clear plastic lights using silver foil for reflection. Finally, painted with black and silver to complete.

Acrylic metallic gold is applied to weapons and armour spheres, the hilt cap of the sword and then clear gloss acrylic sealant to finish.

The figure and helmet are then mounted on the case base.


Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2024 9:27 pm
by Cylon-Knight
Fantastic work! Love seeing all the photos and the info.
The weathering is spot on.


Posted: Wed May 01, 2024 9:56 pm
by Darthvehement
Many thanks!
To be fair, I was surprised how well it turned out!
I was going to bin it originally, as it was very cheap and toylike! (Came as an accessory with the Cyborg
99 figure)