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All local cops are baddies

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2019 10:51 am
by goldcylon1
So I am rewatching the series and I am under the impression that local law enforcement was 100 percent on the take and involved with the hourly crime. Makes me wonder if the creator had a tough time with the local law and sought revenge for Barney lol

Re: All local cops are baddies

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 1:04 pm
by Cylon-Knight
There is quite the speed trap mentality going on, very true. Very Hazard-ish. ;) (Dukes)

I think it is something much more realistic though - vs - mega crime or government or such. As in - the entire world is doomed unless the hero saves day at the last moment against impossible odds, blah blah.

Knight Rider was much more helping out the small person who'd been bullied (insert crooked cops). I think that's part of its appeal. Even with a talking car, people can relate to it much more than other farfetched stories ... like going to another country to stop nuclear missiles - oh while just happening to have access to whatever is needed, no cops around at all, and being able to fly F-15 fighters just sitting around - ya know? ;)

Re: All local cops are baddies

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 3:43 pm
by goldcylon1
Well that explanation plays in with the Hopeless and the Powerless theme. Or Glen Larson had a real dim view of local law enforcement. To be honest even the G types in some cases were portrayed not in the best light as well