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Adama Medallion and Kobol seal

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2018 8:56 pm
by Jmvgreek1
a friend on mine named Eric Engler made these molds for me he made them from a copy of the kobol seal i sent him with a copy of the eagle head for the mugs he is now selling he also made a copy of Adamas Medallion here is pictures of the molds

Here is a close up of Adamas medallion

Re: Adama Medallion and Kobol seal

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2018 6:59 am
by bishopdonmiguel
Copying someone else’s work is called recasting. Very disrespectful to the original artist if done without explicit permission. If he is selling without compensation to or permission from the artist, not cool.

Re: Adama Medallion and Kobol seal

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2018 8:05 am
by GoldCylon
What are you going to be doing with this items? You mentioned pictures of molds, but I see pictures of casting, and a few of them very poor quality. If for personal use I have no problem with this at all.

Re: Adama Medallion and Kobol seal

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2018 12:02 pm
by Jmvgreek1
the ones in the picture are for my personal use just showing them off i had a friend make copies for me since i am not good at making them my self.

Adama Medallion and Kobol seal

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2018 12:24 pm
by bishopdonmiguel
The point is, don’t send your stuff to a friend to copy. You are not respecting the work of the original artist by allowing someone to copy it and offer it for sale. That’s the definition or recasting. Stealing the work of others and profiting from it.

You may have not profited directly, but now you have allowed someone else to.

Re: Adama Medallion and Kobol seal

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2018 6:44 am
by GoldCylon
I made copies of Gordon's work, but I contacted him and told him they were for personal use. He was OK with that, and he had sold off everything already.
BTW Gordon owned, and used to sell these items, but he never was the artist that sculpted these pieces. Finer details work he let his boss do the work.

Re: Adama Medallion and Kobol seal

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2018 7:01 am
by bishopdonmiguel
GoldCylon, I know you are always respectful of the work of others. I would be confident that you had asked permission even if you hadn’t explicitly noted doing so. You are class act, ethical beyond reproach and a true gentleman. None of my words were directed at you.

I’m not 100% certain but I think a mutual friend owns the GS eagle head molds now. And I don’t think he was asked for permission to recast by this person named above who is allegedly selling copies of a cast.

Admittedly, as an artist, I’m very sensitive to recasting situations. When I see it, I feel compelled to point it out.

Re: Adama Medallion and Kobol seal

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2018 8:23 am
by GoldCylon
I was just pointing out what I do, and I did not take as a comment directed to me.
You are a stand up act yourself, and I have great respect for you and your work.

Thank you DB
:cylongold: :cylongold: :cylongold:

Re: Adama Medallion and Kobol seal

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2018 6:52 pm
by Monolith21

I know for a fact that when that Adama medallion was released, copies were expressly forbidden by all involved (Chris, Gordon, etc.). It was a pretty limited run.

The rest of Gordon's molds were sold to Reaper, who asked me to do his casting for Blackstar Squadron. No one has permission to be selling a recast from a master made from mold. Selling copies to "cover the cost" (of doing a thing they shouldn't be doing in the first place) is a big no no in just about every prop collecting community.

The "personal copy" excuse is a bit of a grey area, but once money is involved it is absolutely recasting.

Re: Adama Medallion and Kobol seal

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2018 7:06 pm
by GoldCylon
Thanks Mark for sounding off.
:cylongold: :cylongold: :cylongold:

Re: Adama Medallion and Kobol seal

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2018 8:29 pm
by Monolith21
GoldCylon wrote:
Mon Nov 26, 2018 7:06 pm
Thanks Mark for sounding off.
:cylongold: :cylongold: :cylongold:
You got it man. Sounds like no wrong was intended when the castings were sent to Eric, but he has really taken what has been sent to him and is running with it. I just hope a bunch of people don't get hosed on this.

Re: Adama Medallion and Kobol seal

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:09 pm
by Jmvgreek1
i want to say i meant no disrespect to anyone and i sent my copy of the eagle head and a copy of the kobol seal to Eric to copy for my personal use i sent them after communicating with him i should not have done that but i did after he made copies of the kobol seal he made me copies of adamas medallion which at the time i did not know where he got the adamas medallion from or that it was forbidden to make copies of. i have now learned what i did was wrong.

Re: Adama Medallion and Kobol seal

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:21 pm
by GoldCylon
Thanks Jmv

Re: Adama Medallion and Kobol seal

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2018 11:28 pm
Hello All,

At the time I made these I had no idea that anyone that was involved in any way with the original was still making them and I had no intention of taking anything away from the original creators, my only desire was to provide something to the community that I did not believe existed any more.

I have also spoken with Gordon and have apologized to hm directly as well as we had previously discussed his creations in the past and I had purchased some items from him as well. He and I are good at this time and for that I am thankful.

Now that I know the full story behind the eagles and the other medallions they will remain in my personal collection. I hope you all except this explanation and my humble apology.

Re: Adama Medallion and Kobol seal

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 5:31 am
by bishopdonmiguel
Thank you BOTH for respecting the artist’s creation and the current mold
holder’s rights. I know neither intended harm and copying something that has long been out of demand often seems innocuous. To copy takes just minutes while the effort to create the original piece was likely significant.

I can attest that my effort to create a new sculpt of the Eagle Head took many weeks of creating and destroying to more accurately replicate the features seen on the show. This surprised me and gave me a new respect for the time and effort artists invest in their work. Candidly, I do have many people comment that the items I create are overpriced. I understand that and I take no offense because they have no insight of the time and effort required to create something from scratch. Seems so easy until you try it.

Apologies if I am soapboxing but I would like to encourage everyone on this thread to speak up when they see someone recasting. This wasn’t my sculpt nor my mold but I felt compelling to educate. Most often it is simply a misunderstanding that is easily solved and generates goodwill.