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Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2018 11:51 pm
by Cylon-Knight
Guess what my Fellow Cylons?
I have two Empires. :D

There was AN AMAZING deal on a set of armor I could actually afford... and... I'm weak.
It is a TKUK suit for TKCK. I'm not going for 501st approval. I'm a Rogue Stormtrooper with Cylon tendencies. :roll:
I know there is some debate about UK, but I'm pleased with it and reserve stressing about uber 1:1 super-fan boy accuracy for my Centurion.
Trooper will be close enough, lots of fun -- and more friendly on my wallet. w00t w00t

So, let the next build begin.

Insert X number of years to finish jokes *here*
:frack: I'll ban you! (Not really.... but maybe... D'OH! :cylon:)


Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2018 1:44 pm
by Soda Can
:loveit: very nice, looks almost like the set that oota goota makes here in New Zealand.