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Lining/padding Cylon helmet

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 4:33 pm
by Crmx
Hi All,
New Cylon online in Belgium. I've just received my kropserkel suit and this is my first post/question.
One thing I noticed is that out of the box it is impossible to wear the helmet.
I would be interested in seeing what others have done to get the helmet to fit comfy. Did you use padding? Hard hat liner or rig? Or something completely different? Photos of the inside of your helmets would be much appreciated.

Re: Lining/padding Cylon helmet

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 5:59 pm
by itookadooku
I tried foam and was never happy with the results or the way it sat. I use a hard hat liner on my kropserkel helmet. I used sticky back velcro to attach it, that way I could remove it later or better adjust it. I glued my lights where I could see through the slit underneath them. The only foam I used was to hold the wires,battery,switch inside the fin. Hope the pics help.


Re: Lining/padding Cylon helmet

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 2:09 am
by Crmx
Thanks very much for the pics! Using a rig of a hard hat is a great way to do it. Hadn't thought of using velcro's to fix the rig. I really like this approach.
Anyone else have any other methods they are fond of?

Re: Lining/padding Cylon helmet

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 8:24 am
by GoldCylon
No foam padding was used in the original, so no guidelines to follow except what others have done, and what ever feels good to you. Maybe buy a cheap batters helmet, and pull the padding out for you Cylon helmet.