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Basestar Cylon Scenes-Raiders Approach/Fly

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 7:50 am
by Thunderstruck
Cinema4d Cylon Raider Approach and Fly-In.

this a wip test video I thought I would share. It is part of my Fictional Fan Made Tale
of the Arrival of the Colonials.
Battlestar 2015-The Arrival
Fan Fiction-FanFilm-Fan Episode



Dialogue has not been made or put in yet.


This is taking a lot of time to render,,since it was to be a quick remake,,,but all who see want professional
movie studio quality in all imagery. Anything less is not CG in many minds...and me living on borrowed time since March..
..I hope I can complete this. Problem is..I am not a professional :blink:

FlyIn clip 7-8 minutes a frame-30 Fps

Hope you and fans enjoy my efforts.
Randal R.

Re: Basestar Cylon Scenes-Raiders Approach/Fly

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 10:02 am
by GoldCylon
I like the lighting effect on the spheres on the Baseship. That is a clever idea.

Re: Basestar Cylon Scenes-Raiders Approach/Fly

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 8:44 am
by Thunderstruck
GoldCylon wrote:I like the lighting effect on the spheres on the Baseship. That is a clever idea.
Thank You...

I was also thinking of --although I have no Lightning Generators or Plug in for c4d-
having them Arc to one another and /or also as Generators that create a Zap field for any intruders into ship space/area.

as in a bug flies into one of those bug zappers...a Viper does not want to get too close. :D
fly into the field and the field auto zaps any foreign objects/matter.
This I am not thinking of using in this short, but in general.

try to have a holiday this season all.

Randal R.