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Glen Larson Productions, and Universal Studios USE THE MODEL

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 10:46 am
by GoldCylon
My good friend (insert name here) who owns most of original filming models from the 78 series. Rag-Tag-Fleet, Cylon Raider, Vipers, Cylon Baseship, and the Galactica. He had me make the offer to Glen Larson as the middle man these ship are available for the new movie. To a degree the offer has been accepted, but don't get overjoyed on the next exciting part. A Universal licensed vendor paid to have four model building pros take (Planes, Trains, and Automobiles) last weekend from Canada, California, and 2 unknown location to the East Coast to make the repairs. One person was there 1 week prepping, and then the non stop work began. My good friend said the entire weekend was non stop, and he only had 4 hours sleep the entire weekend. Once the repairs were made the official photoshoot took place. Yes this was a Universal copyright event. This sounds great doesn't it, well it was only pennies to Universal to do this, and means very little in using these for the new movie in the works. The news is positive and great news, but Glen Larson Production needs a push, and that push needs to be done in numbers. All Studios like numbers, and I am collecting numbers via Facebook. I am trying to collect 20,000 members on a dedicated facebook page to track those people that want to original filming models to be used in the new production, and is film ready. So check out the page, and request to be a member. WE CAN DO THIS!!!!

Re: Glen Larson Productions, and Universal Studios USE THE M

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 1:32 pm
by Cylon-Knight
The Galactica will fly again!
Great work Dale.
:cylon: :erk: :cylon: :cylon: :cylongold: :cylon: :cylon: :cylon: :erk: :cylon: :cylon: :nah:

Re: Glen Larson Productions, and Universal Studios USE THE M

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 1:48 pm
by GoldCylon
When the page reaches 1000 likes I will be posting a photo that was recently taken after the updates were made, and ready for the photoshoot.

Re: Glen Larson Productions, and Universal Studios USE THE M

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 2:01 pm
by Red Eye
Very interesting indeed... hope it will happen!

Re: Glen Larson Productions, and Universal Studios USE THE M

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 1:14 am
by rustycylon
good work. It would be so cool if they did use all the original ships again.

Re: Glen Larson Productions, and Universal Studios USE THE M

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 12:13 pm
by 137th Gebirg
VERY interesting and cool indeed!

I can cetainly understand why they would want to use the original filming miniatures for promotional material this early out of the gate. That's thinking ahead and good planning - a very good sign for this effort if it is an indication of what is to come. However, I would be concerned if they intended to use the original models for actual filming. I don't think their age and relative fragility would be up for the rigors of shipping, daily studio lights, filming and motion control. If I were to guess, they may be doing some up-front work to do a 3D scan on the models into a CG format. That would make the most financial sense, and it would guarantee 100% accuracy and prolonged preservation of the subject matter.

I'm trying desperately not to get my hopes up, but this actually sounds like real progress, instead of the previous false starts over the years, and random motion being put forward under the pretense of progress. Eagerly awaiting further news on this! :smile:

Re: Glen Larson Productions, and Universal Studios USE THE M

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 2:30 pm
by GoldCylon
I do except 3D scans to be made of the ships, and like normal back in the day of the original filming time damage did happen to the ships. It is just a fact of life. Repair crews and parts would need to be there and ready for the fix. More positive news to be announced real soon on the next step to show Universal and Glen we are serious.

Re: Glen Larson Productions, and Universal Studios USE THE M

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 11:20 am
by GoldCylon
The pace over on the facebook page is snowballing in activity. Andrew Probert posted never before seen photos he took 35 years ago. So go take a look and join the movement.

Re: Glen Larson Productions, and Universal Studios USE THE M

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 3:06 pm
by dbhs
Wow. So cool to see it brought back into action again.

Re: Glen Larson Productions, and Universal Studios USE THE M

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 3:11 pm
by GoldCylon
The mighty ship Galactica

Re: Glen Larson Productions, and Universal Studios USE THE M

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 10:09 pm
by Cylon-Knight
Locked on target... ;)
:cylon: :cylon: :cylon: :blink: :cylon: :cylon: :cylon:

Re: Glen Larson Productions, and Universal Studios USE THE M

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 8:48 am
by 137th Gebirg
Y'know, this is a beautiful ship. Always thought so. My favorite ship design over all, actually, with the refit TMP Enterprise in a close second.

But I think that line below it, "Copyright NBC Universal Studios 2014" may possibly be a more beuatiful and warming sight to behold at present. I highly doubt they would do this unless it was real. We may finally see some serious forward progress on any kind of TOS-BSG-related project since the DeSanto/Singer project of 2001. Don't want to jinx this, but definitely feels real now... :smile:

Re: Glen Larson Productions, and Universal Studios USE THE M

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 9:20 am
by GoldCylon
On the facebook page there are about 1450 members. A nice gathering in numbers in a 2 week time frame.

Re: Glen Larson Productions, and Universal Studios USE THE M

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 10:20 pm
by GoldCylon
One more released new photo.

Re: Glen Larson Productions, and Universal Studios USE THE M

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 1:11 am
by Red Eye

Thanks a lot for sharing!

Can't wait to see more photos of the other ships...