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New Here - Galactica Mego customizer

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 8:37 pm
by guyx1
Hello, I'm new here. Hoping to meet a few other people who are into custom building Galactica figures. :grin:
The death of the Mego galactica toyline brought me to you guys. :angel:
Presently I am trying to redesign the modern Mego Galactica figures so they are much more accurate (and not difficult to look at). I am hoping to find others who are interested in doing this as well, so perhaps we can combine our efforts. If anyone can SCULPT, sew, whatever. I would love to work with you. I am big on design by committee and I need any help I can get..
pm me If anyone is interested...


Guy Redwing

Re: New Here - Galactica Mego customizer

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 8:53 pm
by GoldCylon
Do you have any photos of the Mego Galactica?

Re: New Here - Galactica Mego customizer

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:17 pm
by guyx1
SO nice to have some interest. I will take some photos. I know these thigns pale next to your props. Heck the issued figures had big heads and needed a lot of redesign. I have been cautious about posting much in public because the person sewing revamped Colonial outfits for me did not want to bother the manufacturer of the official figures. That official license for 1/9 Galactica figures is set to lapse in August. For now I should be safe posting my cylon redux figures. I have been dreaming of Galactica Aliens even since the Mattel figures, but the toylines never make it that far. :roll:
I wish I knew someone who was willing to sculpt Ovion & Imperious leader heads as well as the prop remakes you guys are into.
I can't really say it is MY custom work, as I am willing to pay anyone who is interested.
I'll post the original cylon next to my rebuilds for starters.

Re: New Here - Galactica Mego customizer

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 6:25 am
by Cylon-Knight
Welcome Guy!

Your project sounds very exciting. I'd love to see the figures more accurate and more figures would rock too. I've seen custom figure sites and forums and they are such fun! The imagination and skill put into them is so impressive. Glad we'll have some of that here at By Your Command soon ;)

Don't forget to make a sweet daggit figure too. :twisted: Cool stuff!

...again - WELCOME!

Re: New Here - Galactica Mego customizer

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 9:30 am
by Red Eye
Welcome aboard!

Custom figures are always FUN and I hope to see a bit more of your work soon.

And you're right on the current Bif Bang Pow BSG figures. Don't get me wrong, it's great to have action figures based on the classic series, but some of the details are wrong or misinterpreted, call it as you wish.

If you're really going to do an accurate Imperious Leader figure, I'd be your first customer, by the way! :wink:

Re: New Here - Galactica Mego customizer

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 8:25 am
by guyx1
A big problem is that for toy companies, pleasing Adults is not the same as pleasing children.
I was perfectly happy with the BSG Mattel figures as a kid.
When I saw the Modern figures I LOVED the Majestic figures.

Now when it came to the ReMego figures (IE the retro styled figures)
I had issues with them. THey Made way too many pot bellied cylons with no articulation.
They were assembled in such a way that you could not really move them. Wrist bands glued on with the wrists outside of the bands and the bands so high the elbows didn't work.

I tried to make my changes SUBTLE, yet providing a decent impact on the figure to make him stand proud
vs looking like a "MALL COP" as one person described the released figure.




Most of what I did is subltle repositioning of the armor and tapering it better to the body,
That would have been simple, however the company actually GLUED some of the pieces of armor to the doll
(shich as the wrist & neck piece, so to remove it, the doll is often destroyed in the process, as well as the black suit underneath

The changes are meant to keep to the spirit of the original design, but improve it to make it more displayable.

Re: New Here - Galactica Mego customizer

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 9:19 am
by GoldCylon
OK so the Cylon's found Kirk, killed him, and team up with the Gorn.

"BattleTrek Gornactica : The death of a Starship Captain".

The must see movie of 2014. :cylongold:

Re: New Here - Galactica Mego customizer

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 9:48 am
by Red Eye
Love the changes you did to the standard Centurion figure!

The articulation on the original really sucks. They can't even handle their rifles...

Bif Bang Pow should go back to the drawing board.

Re: New Here - Galactica Mego customizer

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 6:51 pm
by Cylon-Knight
Guyx1, you might try to repaint the under suit for a bit more accurate look. The suit is not black on a chrome Centurion. Her is the color breakdown: ... Knight.jpg

Re: New Here - Galactica Mego customizer

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 9:26 am
by guyx1
Thank you for your Ideas.
I know that these toys are pretty pathetic compared to the level of detail you are used to.
Not having seen the issues with these toys first hand, you really don't know what I was going for.
Again I did try to keep it subtle and retain the toy's feel.
Since I had to put all the pieces back together (after I break it all apart)
I could dye the under suit anything I wanted

My main goal was making a figure that could really pose and didn't stand frozen, looking like he was wearing a black armored diaper. At this stage I am really trying to find anyone who knows extreme details who can sculpt or sew on a small scale.

Sadly many Mego Collectors will buy these items even if they have giant heads or don't pose,, or have glued on costumes and just leave the things on the card.

Other people complain about eye color on heads that are twice the scale they should be.
Or complain that they will never buy the figures until The toy company RE-issues them with new heads/helmets or until they chrome plate the soft vinyl cylon heads.
(The company REALLY REALLY overproduced the cylons as they are, so no changes could ever really occur with them)

So I buy them, cut up the armor. Re assemble the armor and put them back together.
Destroying everything underneath in the process.

There are a million ways to geek out about the details (or lack there of).
Right now, I feel like the sole person interested, but I am going to try to get at least a couple more people into making customs, so I'm not the only one trying to finish off the series. :(