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36 hour challenge - good will to all Cylons

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 1:28 am
by Hand-Schaub
Fellow Cylons,

In light of the many challenges we have faced these last few days as a community let us remind ourselves why we visit these hallowed halls. This is the house of Cylon!! A place where we can share our robotic desires and triumphs! As a member who TRUELY appreciates the values and mores of Cylon (and BSG) construction I offer a simple challenge...

In the next 36 hours - DO NOT POST anything in this thread. Instead look into the bowels of your pure Cylon heart and create something new. This can take the form of an idea, a drawing, a plan, a simple advancement on you project, a new suit, a revelation about the original series... anything that reminds you WHY YOU ARE HERE at Seems simple right? of course it is. It is utterly simple. No bashing, no nitpicking... just sharing. It's okay to praise once and a while but just don't crap on anybody's post. Think you can handle it... I can...

wow - 36 hours is along time to wait to share the neat things I'm doing...

Re: 36 hour challenge - good will to all Cylons

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 6:16 pm
by Hand-Schaub
Okay - I guess I'll start. I was hoping to share with everybody my copper plated armor but I was unable to get to the chrome shop in time before they closed. So I'll have to share something else.

Last night I spent quite a few hours making decal files for the armor parts. For those who didn't know the originals used that pin stripe tape which looks really sharp and old school. Well, it's a lot of work to do on armor so I wanted to make decals and have them printed as cut vinyl. This way they still have the dimensional edges but are easy to apply. I took photos and measurements and created what I think are pretty neat facsimiles. What you will notice is that they are imperfect... yup - that is intentional! I want it to look like hand applied pin strip so I left gaps and areas where the tape might overlap. Also, the backpack decal is slightly smaller than original because it fits my personal armor better.

I used Photoshop for these so I could use photos to trace over. I may have to redraw them in Illustrator but perhaps my vinyl source can do that for me. Presented is a JPG format image which if one wishes, can use to create a sticker sheet themselves.

Yes... it's free... a gift... sharing of something that took me hours to do for myself but thought others could benefit. That is not to say I won't print some out and have them for sale eventually... but seeing how this is a builder's site it may at very least serve as a starting point for some people. Plus, it is made to my personal taste so it's possible nobody else will like them and not care.

Anyways - hope everybody enjoys!!

Re: 36 hour challenge - good will to all Cylons

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 7:48 pm
by Cylon-Knight
Amazing work, Hand-Schaub!

You know I love me some Cylon stickers and I think your intentional tape look is genius. If you don't have Illustrator I do and could try to vectorize them for you if you'd like.

Re: 36 hour challenge - good will to all Cylons

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 8:07 pm
by Hand-Schaub
Thanks for the offer. Truth be told is that I do have illustrator, I just don't feel too comfortable with it. (actually I just couldn't figure out how to make sure the background would be transparent and not print out white).
I tried to export the paths from Photoshop to Illustrator but it's not working too well either. I should know this stuff.. I actually teach these programs to high school students!

Re: 36 hour challenge - good will to all Cylons

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 9:52 pm
by Flyboy
Awesome work, Hand-Schaub!

I may use this for my cylon. :D

Re: 36 hour challenge - good will to all Cylons

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 10:25 pm
by Hand-Schaub
Flyboy wrote:Awesome work, Hand-Schaub!

I may use this for my cylon. :D

I'll send you a set if you like, considering you are wearing my original suit which I always had intentions of adding these to. :)

Re: 36 hour challenge - good will to all Cylons

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 10:33 pm
by Flyboy
Hand-Schaub wrote:
Flyboy wrote:Awesome work, Hand-Schaub!

I may use this for my cylon. :D

I'll send you a set if you like, considering you are wearing my original suit which I always had intentions of adding these to. :)

Yes, That will be great thank you. :D

Re: 36 hour challenge - good will to all Cylons

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 10:45 pm
by RavenLX
Thank you Hand-Schaub for your gift! That is awesome! I could maybe use these when doing the paper costume for the robot.

As for Illustrator, I don't use that either. I use GIMP but LibreOffice has a Draw program that is vector oriented. Also InkScape is a vector program. All 3 of these programs will run in Windows as well as Linux. And all 3 don't cost a cent - all high quality free programs. :)

I think of them all, InkScape has to be easiest. But YMMV (Your Mileage May Vary).

Re: 36 hour challenge - good will to all Cylons

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 6:51 am
by Red Eye
GREAT work there, Hand-Schaub! Thank you for sharing.

How about adding it to our Centurion builders folder in the gallery as well?

Re: 36 hour challenge - good will to all Cylons

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 11:46 am
by Hand-Schaub
Sure -maybe a separate thread can be made for this item

I'm hoping that others will share in the challenge of this thread and share ANY cool BSG things they are currently working on.

Re: 36 hour challenge - good will to all Cylons

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 1:01 pm
by Red Eye
Thanks again!

It's a great gift for every serious Centurion builder out there. :cylon: