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I haven't forgotten anyone

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 11:08 pm
by RavenLX
I been super busy lately and also had been a bit under the weather (again) so I didn't do anything on the Cylon Robot Project. I do have a web site update coming up (hopefully soon) as I got permission to put up the Alpha Rex build instructions that someone else copied to PDF.

But I been busy with work and also with getting my favorite games to run in Linux (with success). Casual stuff like Big Fish Games, Oberon Media/Pogo, etc.

And then there was taxes. Glad that is over! :roll:

Anyway, I didn't forget you folks even though I been rather quiet lately. I'll be updating more hopefully soon.

As for Blood and Chrome, I almost forgot it's coming out on DVD this month. I don't buy DVDs. I go totally digital/cloud so I'll hope it'll be on Amazon's streaming video service soon. I saw it on YouTube anyway so I don't know if it's any different?

Re: I haven't forgotten anyone

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 11:43 pm
by GoldCylon
The taxes....Ack I think I am going to get my started this week.
B & C DVD will have 6 more extra minutes the YouTube version didn't have. The large communication station that looked like a tank in trailers, and promo photos will be present in the DVD.

Re: I haven't forgotten anyone

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 8:00 am
by RavenLX
Thanks for the info. I don't know, I think I rather have seen more robots. I don't buy DVDs anymore anyway so I'll just hope they make it available via streaming video. The only time I'd get a DVD is if I really really liked the movie and/or wanted the extras.

I think we are all glad when tax-time is over with. I try to get it done the first few days of February (right after I get all my data). That way it's over with quickly.

Re: I haven't forgotten anyone

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 8:22 pm
by RavenLX
Wow, it's been awhile for me! I been not well (my usual it seems), and busy. Got a couple other projects to do too, so I haven't had time to even update my web site. I'm still intending on working on the robotic cylon project. Just not sure when I'll get back to it exactly. But I will keep you guys updated!