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Personal thanks to Skullbeast

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:52 pm
by GoldCylon
I really need to thank Skullbeast aka John for the tour at Legacy. It was about 20 minute tour of the place, and to tell you the truth much smaller than I was expecting. We saw some of the coolest things from past shows, and things to come. It was way wicked cool stuff to say the least. I also threw him a curve ball that I knew he could handle, and he did. He knocked it out of the park, and then some. My and Brian's time with him was the perfect about on Thursday, and Saturday. John hats off my friend, and again thanks for your help, and your presents on the forum. :cylongold:

edit do to signed Nda

Re: Personal thanks to Skullbeast

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 2:00 pm
by Hand-Schaub
I echoe this sentiment!