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Re: Tejanovader's BASESTAR

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 6:40 pm
by Cylon-Knight
Can't wait to see new work! ROCK ON tejanovader

Re: Tejanovader's BASESTAR

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 8:46 pm
by tejanovader
:cylon: Ok, so I have to come up with an actual plan for lighting now. LOL! I have never really worked with fiber optics before, but ordered some for the base star (and a millenium falcon kit I have). Since my raider is a hodgepodge of various images and artworks (and takes liberties with the painting scheme of the raiders from "RAZOR") I thought I would experiment with making the base star lighting more interesting.
I love the base star. If ever there was a fairly believable design for a military space craft carrier, I think it is the base star. But, being a kid in the 1970's, I felt even then that the base star was treated in the most boring fashion imaginable. Honestly, a grey hulk with what, a handful of portholes? Then, RAZOR opened up a whole new world of imagination for the traditional base star! YAY RAZOR!!! It was ominous, dark and just stinking terrifying. Mostly, it was believable and interesting!! So, sermon over, I want to try creating a living, breathing miniature that is both beautiful and believable. To lowly little pic of the very top. I lovingly refer to it as the "Crown" (I am sure the other machines on this site could give me the technical name for it. LOL!!) I have drilled holes in the areas to be covered by the, for lack of a better word, five (5) vent tops that attach to it. Through these outer 10 holes, I can fit fiber optics. I have discovered the joy of watching the tip of the fiber optic creating lighting that illuminates parts of the model as well as resembling a port hole, like a night light or light bulb lamp. I will have to have better explanations in future and a good enough hi rez camera to show what I mean, but I offer this pic that shows the holes which will hold fiber optic tips which will, in turn, illuminate the vent covers interior. Other L.E.D's will shine through the open areas. At this point, I am working with yellow L.E.D.s. I have placed a piece of clear plastic sheeting, sanded heavily to make a window film texture. Light can come through, but one cannot see the L.E.Ds. :cylon:

Re: Tejanovader's BASESTAR

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 2:21 am
by Red Eye
Bet it will come out great!

Re: Tejanovader's BASESTAR

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 11:59 am
by Cylon-Knight
Great work!

And I love the sermon... PREACH ON! :)

Re: Tejanovader's BASESTAR

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 3:12 pm
by tejanovader
:cylon: Oh....and a friend from across the state actually sent me a link about BLOOD and CHROME today. Quick images of course, but there in the Caprican atmosphere was none other than the base star. I think this will be a rich time of resource gathering! SO say we All??? :cylon:

Re: Tejanovader's BASESTAR

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 4:28 pm
by tejanovader
:cylon: Just like the Star Wars movies (when Lucas had to wait years for technology to afford him the opportunity to put better effects into what he considered as his yet not complete movie), either technology -- or my understanding of how to use it, L.O.L. -- causes my Base Star build to stay on hold until I can do what I want to really do with it......

Behold, .25mm FIBER OPTIC to be used for the marker lights!! I also ordered .50mm, .75mm and 1mm for other things. Yeah, I know FIBER OPTIC isn't a fresh topic...but hey, I am finally not afraid to use it.....LOL!!! :cylon:

It has taken a long time for my brain to wrap around Integrated Circuits. But I am staring to actually get it. Here is a simple 555 timer circuit, LED and .25mm FIBER OPTIC demonstrating how the marker lights can be installed, a la RAZOR's imagining during the 1st Cylon War. Hope you likey.....


Re: Tejanovader's BASESTAR

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 9:37 am
by Red Eye
Nice to see it's coming together now.

Can't wait to see more!