San Diego is it a go for 2011?

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San Diego is it a go for 2011?

Post by GoldCylon » Mon Jan 17, 2011 12:08 pm

I have quietly been working with a few others trying to gather up a few iconic screen used Cylon related items to join "The Cylon Empire" at this years (2011) San Diego Comic Con. So far the results haven't panned out as well as I had hoped. I have been in contact with the Sci Fi Museum in Seattle with about a few Cylon pieces (Vulpa, Imperious Leader, Six Red Dress) and they aren't able to join in at this time with the BSG show in the works. I have been in contact with the owner of the Caprica Cylon, and no reply back on that either. I am looking for anyone that is willing to help join in. I am not looking for hand out of $$$ to help the cause, but if anyone wants to make a donation to cover the $850 table cost of help cover the table since I can't do this myself 100% of the time this would be great. I am not able to buy your ticket for entire unless you say you are going to help out 4 or more hours per day each and everyday, and then I will supply you with a ticket for entry into Comic Con.

The Plan I am trying to display both the Cylons I have, and maybe sell photo ops. Unknown if I will do that because of a extra cost to have a permit to sell.
I am going to make contact with someone that owns a new Cylon to see if they are willing to display.
Try to coordinate with Richard Hatch, or others from either show to be close or next to their tables.
Have items to show off that high light the web sight, and The Cylon Empire.
Sample of unfinished armor kits.
A LED version of the contest winners eye scanner.
Open to suggestion on other ideas, but for the most part these items mentioned already have taken up most of the display area.

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Re: San Diego is it a go for 2011?

Post by Cylon-Knight » Mon Jan 17, 2011 12:22 pm


I'll ponder this and reply with my input later... I really should be working now... heehee ;)
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San Diego is it a go for 2011?

Post by GoldCylon » Tue Jan 18, 2011 6:49 pm

Ok I received a firm commented today with one of the recommend venders. The details still needed to be worked out on paper but Vac Met agreed to chrome a few pieces for display purposes at the 2011 Comic Con. This is now officially a go. The Cylon Empire will make a debut this year.
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Re: San Diego is it a go for 2011?

Post by Cylon-Knight » Tue Jan 18, 2011 7:32 pm

When is the con?
What size is the booth? I can make up any graphics for banners, etc. etc. I'm yer Cylon!
I have some ideas for handouts too - I saw the 501st has some to give kids, etc. Always good to recruit :)
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San Diego is it a go for 2011?

Post by GoldCylon » Tue Jan 18, 2011 7:45 pm

The Con is when ever The Cylon Empire shows up. Haven't you learned anything yet. LoL. I don't recall but I think late July. The area is small like 4 x 8 if I recall with a table. I need to look up the details again to see what we gave to work with.
Thanks for the help. A banner that can be placed up highlighting The Cylon Empire and BYC is a must. Also the guys on the Colonial side with the costumes should be contacted to see what they would like to do.
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Re: San Diego is it a go for 2011?

Post by Hand-Schaub » Tue Jan 18, 2011 8:35 pm

Glad to hear that this is a go. Dale, we already talked about c my ommitment but I will publicly involve myself now.

Now is the time Cylons to step into gear and perfect, refurbish or finish your costume. If you can make it to the con then awesome! If we wait any longer than the motivation will go stale. As a former 501st Garrison Assistant C.O. I know the depth which costume clubs can go. Cylons are a very elite group of costumers and if we build a strong back bone then we can create an awesome and fun group.

To serve the Empire! (Cylon that is)

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Re: San Diego is it a go for 2011?

Post by Cylon-Knight » Tue Jan 18, 2011 8:38 pm

I found it:

Comic-Con International:
San Diego

July 21-24, 2011
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Re: San Diego is it a go for 2011?

Post by GoldCylon » Wed Jan 19, 2011 12:48 pm

Attention Attention.....All Cylons ...Your request and presents at now needed at 2011 Comic Con. Show up if full suit, or show up in your under cover human street clothes, but show up. Do what ever you can to go out of your way, or if already have plans to attend. We want to make a splash more than a flop. This isn't a big push that I would like to make the year (if it happens) of the release of the latest Galactica movie, but this is a chance to gather more Cylon lovers into "The Cylon Empire" Spread the word we will be there on other forums if you secret double agent type of guy. :nah: :huh: :lol: :cool: :cylongold:
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