President Roslin had terminal breast cancer

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President Roslin had terminal breast cancer

Post by GoldCylon » Sat Jan 21, 2006 9:04 pm

Battlestar Galactica,
Sat 21st Jan

Source: TV Tracker

Ever since learning that President Roslin had terminal breast cancer, I wondered how the writers of "Battlestar Galactica" were going to keep her character alive. She had become too central to the story and I just didn't want to see her die. Having Baltar find a cure in the blood of a Cylon-human baby was one of the best solutions possible. It just works on so many levels.

In "Epiphanies," as Roslin lies on her deathbed and through flashbacks, we learn more about Roslin before the Cylons attacked the humans and where she got some of her great negotiating skills: "One of the most interesting things about being president is that you don't have to explain yourself to anyone." Roslin also sees Baltar and No. 6 making out on Caprica, which could have some interesting ramifications down the road.

The key plot line: Roslin wants Sharon's baby aborted, because she thinks the child could be a danger to the fleet. That plot line mirrors the abortion debate in today's world, with Helo, the human father, delivering a poignant line: "But I guess it's easier to kill when you call it a Cylon." Baltar discovers the disease-fighting properties of the fetus' blood, injects some in Roslin and her cancer disappears.

While this is going on, Cylon sympathizers called Demand Peace sabotage Vipers and blow up part of the tylium refinery ship. Adama meets with the leader, throws him in the brig, and then the cured Roslin agrees to talk with his group, provided the violence stops. Gina, flesh-and-blood version of No. 6, has joined this group, but Baltar isn't quite ready to be responsible for the destruction of mankind until....

Baltar opens the letter Roslin had left for him to read after her death. In it, she basically said that he needs to be a more compassionate leader, which ticks Baltar off. With a little prodding from No. 6, who says that Roslin will never trust Baltar, Baltar sends Gina and the Demand Peace group a nuclear warhead.

Episode Grade: A-

Newshound Sci-Fi

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